Tell us more about you

At VSL, we’re always looking to expand and enhance our network of international tour operator partners. To better understand your business and tailor our itineraries to meet your needs, we invite you to participate in a short survey.

By sharing your insights, you’ll help us create unforgettable experiences for our mutual clients and explore new opportunities for collaboration. Thank you!

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Company Information

Name of Primary Contact
Person responsible for West Africa
Please enter a Whatsapp number if possible

Business Profile

What types of tours does your company specialize in?
Or Select what you would like to include in sample itineraries. Max 6 choices.
Which markets do you primarily serve?
Select any Two
Your Typical Group sizes
Client Age Group
Do you run tours to any other West African Destinations
Preferred Accommodation Types
Do you participate in any International Trade fairs?
Do you require local operators to have Public Liability Insurance